My weekly reading: Digital Strategy and Gamification Approach

UK Digital Strategy, March 1 2017 link
Thiel, Sarah-Kristin , Michaela Reisinger, Kathrin Röderer, and Peter Fröhlich. (2016). Playing (with) Democracy: A Review of Gamified Participation Approaches. Journal of eDemocracy and Open Government. Vol 8, No 3. link
With respect to the first reading, the key message and main objective is to build a stronger, fairer country for everyone without exclusion and especially for future generations trough digital.
A digital strategy serving a digital economy with 7 pillars:
1-  Building a digital infrastructure using the world-class Technology, like 4G, 5G, Fiber, …
2-  Giving everyone access to the digital skills they need via traning for users and coding skills
3-  Making the UK the best place to start and grow a digital business with dedicated ecosystems and capitalizing on the Finance experience
4-  Helping every British business become a digital business: E-transformation
5-  Making the UK the safest place in the world to live and work online: Cyber-Security and legal Framework
6-  Maintaining the UK government as a world leader in serving its citizens online: Government as a platform
7-  Unlocking the power of data in the UK economy and improving public confidence in its use: Data as a global commodity and Data Driven Economy.
Concerning the second article, the authors present the gamification participation approach or in other terms how to enhance the e-participation with game elements.
The gamification is adding game elements to a non game context in order to invoke intrinsic motivations.
For the public participation context, the authors resumed the concept in the following Matrix:
Digital Governance LAB

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